FDA Consultant Food Services

Our FDA Consultant Food and Beverage Services are comprehensive, to help our clients develop products that are compliant with federal laws and regulations. From ingredient reviews to label reviews, FDA registration and marketing reviews, we have FDA Consultant – Food Services to meet the needs of clients at every level and stage in the manufacturing and marketing process.

Ingredient reviews are used to determine whether particular products, as currently formulated, may be legally marketed in the United States without further regulatory approval. Because some ingredients may only be used in products that are classified as drugs, it is important to know whether your formulation would cause your product to be regulated more stringently and require pre-approval.

fda consultant food

FDA Consultant Food – Ingredient Reviews

Because products are regulated based on both their ingredients and intended use, ingredient reviews are often the first stage in determining how products are regulated. In addition, under FDA regulations ingredients generally must be declared according to their common or usual name. These regulatory requirements are applicable to foods, dietary supplements and other FDA-regulated products. More information about FDA regulations pertaining to ingredient declarations may be accessed here.

FDA Consultant Food – Label Reviews

The FDA has very specific requirements for the labels of the products it regulates. From the placement of information, to the formatting of the Nutrition Facts Panels and required statements, such as the Net Quantity of Contents, Statement of Identity, etc., compliance with FDA regulations can be a daunting process, but it doesn’t have to be this way. With our FDA Consultant – Food Label reviews are a key way of how we help our clients ensure that their product labels are fully compliant with FDA regulations.

If you would like to know more about FDA Consultant for food services or how hiring a FDA regulatory attorney can help you ensure that your labels are in compliance with FDA regulations, please feel free to contact us by phone at (866)785-0873 or by email at contact@sglawfl.com.